An Introduction

Hullo Everyone,

It is a jungle out there, at the work place. However glossy or ritzy or chak mak, it still remains a jungle. So how do we retain our humanness and still leave our distinguishing mark every evening (or morning ) when we walk out of the place.

That is what this blog is about, providing a platform for people to learn from each other, from experiences gained, to rise above the din, and grow.

Do write in with yours.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Finding myAvatar

Welcome to my blog, filled with tips and lessons picked up from everyday situations, movies, experiences and of course books, your 15 minutes of learning as you go. No introductions, no structure, only essence.
Today I pick up insights from ‘AVATAR”, a movie transcending technology and special effects barriers, also transcending mental barriers. Therefore I find it a a strong concept filled with opportunities for developing and use in Training.

Read, share, distribute and respond!

Finding my true Avatar

Every person has some talent, unique quality, known or unknown to the person. When tapped, this is what drives innovative ideas and creativity at the work place. In “Avatar” Jake knew his. Finding ours is the key to unleashing passion and channelling it at the work place.

Avatar is a visualization of the individual’s transformation process. Jake Scully, Neyetri, Tsu’ Tey, Grace, Trudi, Norm are all characters who stand out because they stood up for their beliefs, managing to save the ecology and inhabitants of a “green” Pandora.

In the real world plans and expectations inspire action and results while Imagination creates possibilities, ignites desires and finding the true self.
The real world knowledge is what exists and therefore self limiting. In the real world Jake Scully is handicapped and is part of the Abbatoir project only because of his genetic match to his brother. In the imaginary world, his passion drives him to become superhuman.

As material for developing potential, some of the points worth using are:

1. “Reality is an inconvenience” - As a go getter, Jake doesn’t need doctors to tell him what he CAN do, define his limits. Training has honed his instincts to such an extent, that in Pandora, his body decides what “it” can do.

2. “I was born to do ….. a stone cold aerial hunter” - Source of Jake’s strength is his strong heart which knows no fear, his mental attitude developed as a Marine, and ignorance of the dangers which lie ahead. This is what gains him entry into Pandora, take risks and finally lead the Na’vi into victory. He takes the initiative, becomes one like them and does what even the “aliens” could not do. Jake’s transformation / reincarnation comes from destroying the old self, the one with the handicap and adopting the self image of strength, talent and power.

3."Feel her heartbeat” - The critical lever in an Achiever’s performance …………Engaging people. To be accepted by the Na’vi, Jake has to develop Zahelu, the strong bond, with the ikran, the birds with the strong legs. These birds represent the team. As a leader, Jake ha to join himself with the ikran, and the bird takes him wherever he wants to go. Jake has to develop clarity on where he wanted to go, and the bird instinctively understood the destination. Jake’s clarity of his goal stands him in good stead, when Toruk, the divine bird accepts him as a rider and becomes his passport to gain the Na’vi’s Trust.

4. “I am a scientist, I don’t believe in fairy tales……………….I needed their help and they needed mine……. To do that, I have to take it to whole new level………….. it all boiled down to 1 bold move” - The road taken by an achiever, of discovery and risk taking. As humans our “cup is full”. If we want to discover, we have to empty our cup. Ignorance was critical in Jake’s journey, because it led to exploration and discovery. Whether as a scientist or a developer, or an engineer, any profession or background, these moments come in every person’s life, when decisions are not driven by our background or our training, but a vision of the possibilities.

If you find any point worth practising, let it roll................Believe in yourself !